In IO::Handle§

See primary documentation in context for method printf.

multi method printf(IO::Handle:D: Cool $format, *@args)

Formats a string based on the given format and arguments and .prints the result into the filehandle. See sprintf for details on acceptable format directives.

Attempting to call this method when the handle is in binary mode will result in X::IO::BinaryMode exception being thrown.

my $fh = open 'path/to/file', :w;
$fh.printf: "The value is %d\n", 32;

In Independent routines§

See primary documentation in context for routine printf.

multi printf(Cool:D $format, *@args)

Produces output according to a format. The format used is the invocant (if called in method form) or the first argument (if called as a routine). The rest of the arguments will be substituted in the format following the format conventions. See sprintf for details on acceptable format directives.

"%s is %s".printf("þor", "mighty");    # OUTPUT: «þor is mighty»
printf( "%s is %s", "þor", "mighty");  # OUTPUT: «þor is mighty»

On Junctions, it will also autothread, without a guaranteed order.

printf( "%.2f ",| ¼ | ¾ ); # OUTPUT: «0.33 0.25 0.75 »

In Cool§

See primary documentation in context for method printf.

method printf(*@args)

Uses the object, as long as it is a format string, to format and print the arguments

"%.8f".printf(now - now ); # OUTPUT: «-0.00004118»