class IntStr is Allomorph is Int { }

IntStr is a dual value type, a subclass of both Allomorph, hence Str, and Int.

See Allomorph for further details.

my $int-str = <42>;
say $int-str.^name;     # OUTPUT: «IntStr␤»

my Int $int = $int-str; # OK!
my Str $str = $int-str; # OK!

# ∈ operator cares about object identity
say 42  <42  55  1>;   # OUTPUT: «False␤»


method new§

method new(Int $i, Str $s)

The constructor requires both the Int and the Str value, when constructing one directly the values can be whatever is required:

my $f =, "forty two");
say +$f; # OUTPUT: «42␤»
say ~$f; # OUTPUT: «"forty two"␤»

method Int§

method Int

Returns the integer value of the IntStr.

method Numeric§

multi method Numeric(IntStr:D: --> Int:D)
multi method Numeric(IntStr:U: --> Int:D)

The :D variant returns the numeric portion of the invocant. The :U variant issues a warning about using an uninitialized value in numeric context and then returns value 0.

method Real§

multi method Real(IntStr:D: --> Int:D)
multi method Real(IntStr:U: --> Int:D)

The :D variant returns the numeric portion of the invocant. The :U variant issues a warning about using an uninitialized value in numeric context and then returns value 0.


infix ===§

multi infix:<===>(IntStr:D $a, IntStr:D $b)

IntStr Value identity operator. Returns True if the Int values of $a and $b are identical and their Str values are also identical. Returns False otherwise.


Type relations for IntStr
raku-type-graph IntStr IntStr Allomorph Allomorph IntStr->Allomorph Int Int IntStr->Int Mu Mu Any Any Any->Mu Cool Cool Cool->Any Stringy Stringy Str Str Str->Cool Str->Stringy Allomorph->Str Numeric Numeric Real Real Real->Numeric Int->Cool Int->Real

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